Series 2013 $1

Printed November 2013 through January 2018.Signatures: Rios-Lew.
All $1 | Previous $1: Series 2009 | Next $1: Series 2017
Other Series 2013: $2 | $5 | $10 | $20 | $50 | $100

The numbers in the table are the first and last notes printed in the given month for the given FRB. Colors indicate notes printed at Washington, DC or Fort Worth, TX. Serial numbers above 96000000, or ending with letters O or Z, are not used; thus for example D96000000A is followed by D00000001B, and L96000000N is followed by L00000001P.

Uncut sheets of non-star notes were released for this series, with serial numbers from the regular production ranges.

The $1 notes of this series were the first currency to be printed in 50-subject-sheet format.

MonthFederal Reserve District (First letter of serial number)Star NotesMonth
Nov 13------------K 000 00001 *
K 005 00000 *
Nov 13
Dec 13------------K 032 00001 *
K 128 00000 *
Dec 13
Jan 14------------K 128 00001 *
K 192 00000 *
Jan 14
Feb 14-------------Feb 14
Mar 14---------J 000 00001 A
J 448 00000 A
K 000 00001 A
K 320 00000 A
--Mar 14
Apr 14---D 000 00001 A
D 704 00000 A
------K 320 00001 A
K 384 00000 A
--Apr 14
May 14---D 704 00001 A
D 576 00000 B
E 000 00001 A
E 064 00000 A
--------May 14
Jun 14---D 576 00001 B
D 640 00000 B
E 064 00001 A
E 832 00000 A
--------Jun 14
Jul 14A 000 00001 A
A 384 00000 A
---E 832 00001 A
E 256 00000 B
-G 000 00001 A
G 576 00000 A
------Jul 14
Aug 14A 384 00001 A
A 064 00000 B
-C 000 00001 A
C 064 00000 A
--F 000 00001 A
F 640 00000 A
-------Aug 14
Sep 14--C 064 00001 A
C 704 00000 A
-E 256 00001 B
E 320 00000 B
F 640 00001 A
F 192 00000 B
-------Sep 14
Oct 14----E 320 00001 B
E 960 00000 C
F 192 00001 B
F 576 00000 C
----K 384 00001 A
K 640 00000 A
-B 000 00001 *
B 002 50000 *
Oct 14
Nov 14----E 000 00001 D
E 640 00000 D
-----K 640 00001 A
K 448 00000 B
L 000 00001 A
L 128 00000 A
B 032 00001 *
B 096 00000 *
Nov 14
Dec 14-B 000 00001 A
B 640 00000 A
--------K 448 00001 B
K 128 00000 C
L 128 00001 A
L 576 00000 A
-Dec 14
Jan 15-B 640 00001 A
B 128 00000 B
--------K 128 00001 C
K 640 00000 C
L 576 00001 A
L 320 00000 B
L 000 00001 *
L 000 80000 *
Jan 15
Feb 15-B 128 00001 B
B 640 00000 B
----G 576 00001 A
G 320 00000 B
----L 320 00001 B
L 128 00000 C
-Feb 15
Mar 15-B 640 00001 B
B 960 00000 B
----G 320 00001 B
G 192 00000 C
----L 128 00001 C
L 960 00000 C
-Mar 15
Apr 15-B 000 00001 C
B 448 00000 C
----G 192 00001 C
G 704 00000 C
----L 000 00001 D
L 832 00000 D
L 032 00001 *
L 096 00000 *
Apr 15
May 15-B 448 00001 C
B 704 00000 C
---F 576 00001 C
F 768 00000 C
-----L 832 00001 D
L 512 00000 E
F 000 00001 *
F 064 00000 *
& G 000 00001 *
G 032 00000 *
May 15
Jun 15-----F 768 00001 C
F 320 00000 D
G 704 00001 C
G 128 00000 D
----L 512 00001 E
L 256 00000 F
F 064 00001 *
F 066 50000 *
Jun 15
Jul 15--C 704 00001 A
C 896 00000 A
D 640 00001 B
D 576 00000 C
-F 320 00001 D
F 832 00000 D
-----L 256 00001 F
L 320 00000 F
-Jul 15
Aug 15--C 896 00001 A
C 576 00000 B
D 576 00001 C
D 448 00000 D
-F 832 00001 D
F 448 00000 E
-H 000 00001 A
H 896 00000 A
-----Aug 15
Sep 15A 064 00001 B
A 192 00000 C
-C 576 00001 B
C 768 00000 B
--F 448 00001 E
F 064 00000 F
--I 000 00001 A
I 384 00000 A
J 448 00001 A
J 384 00000 B
K 640 00001 C
K 768 00000 C
--Sep 15
Oct 15A 192 00001 C
A 832 00000 C
-------I 384 00001 A
I 832 00000 A
-K 768 00001 C
K 576 00000 D
-K 192 00001 *
K 288 00000 *
Oct 15
Nov 15A 832 00001 C
A 320 00000 D
-C 768 00001 B
C 896 00000 B
D 448 00001 D
D 832 00000 D
------K 576 00001 D
K 256 00000 E
-A 000 00001 *
A 064 00000 *
Nov 15
Dec 15--C 896 00001 B
C 384 00000 C
D 832 00001 D
D 960 00000 D
------K 256 00001 E
K 192 00000 F
--Dec 15
Jan 16--C 384 00001 C
C 832 00000 C
D 000 00001 E
D 064 00000 F
---------Jan 16
Feb 16---D 064 00001 F
D 256 00000 F
E 640 00001 D
E 896 00000 D
------L 320 00001 F
L 384 00000 G
-Feb 16
Mar 16----E 896 00001 D
E 448 00000 E
------L 384 00001 G
L 768 00000 H
E 000 00001 *
E 032 00000 *
Mar 16
Apr 16----E 448 00001 E
E 960 00000 E
------L 768 00001 H
L 192 00000 J
L 096 00001 *
L 128 00000 *
Apr 16
May 16-B 704 00001 C
B 768 00000 C
---F 064 00001 F
F 704 00000 F
-----L 192 00001 J
L 576 00000 K
-May 16
Jun 16-B 768 00001 C
B 576 00000 E
---F 704 00001 F
F 448 00000 G
------B 000 00001 *
B 064 00000 *
Jun 16
Jul 16-B 576 00001 E
B 256 00000 F
---F 448 00001 G
F 256 00000 H
-H 896 00001 A
H 448 00000 B
----B 064 00001 *
B 096 00000 *
Jul 16
Aug 16-----F 256 00001 H
F 512 00000 I
G 128 00001 D
G 640 00000 E
H 448 00001 B
H 896 00000 B
E 032 00001 *
E 034 50000 *
& F 096 00001 *
F 097 00000 *
& G 032 00001 *
G 096 00000 *
Aug 16
Sep 16----E 000 00001 F
E 832 00000 F
F 512 00001 I
F 960 00000 I
G 640 00001 E
G 640 00000 F
--J 384 00001 B
J 320 00000 C
G 096 00001 *
G 101 50000 *
& J 000 00001 *
J 002 50000 *
Sep 16
Oct 16----E 832 00001 F
E 512 00000 G
-G 640 00001 F
G 704 00000 F
H 896 00001 B
H 704 00000 C
-J 320 00001 C
J 256 00000 D
---Oct 16
Nov 16----E 512 00001 G
E 256 00000 H
-G 704 00001 F
G 192 00000 G
H 704 00001 C
H 832 00000 C
I 832 00001 A
I 320 00000 B
-K 192 00001 F
K 256 00000 F
-H 000 00001 *
H 064 00000 *
Nov 16
Dec 16----E 256 00001 H
E 896 00000 H
-G 192 00001 G
G 640 00000 G
---K 256 00001 F
K 768 00000 F
-E 064 00001 *
E 096 00000 *
Dec 16
Jan 17A 320 00001 D
A 832 00000 D
---E 896 00001 H
E 128 00000 I
-G 640 00001 G
G 128 00000 H
---K 768 00001 F
K 320 00000 G
--Jan 17
Feb 17A 832 00001 D
A 448 00000 E
----F 000 00001 J
F 064 00000 J
G 128 00001 H
G 640 00000 H
---K 320 00001 G
K 896 00000 G
--Feb 17
Mar 17-B 256 00001 F
B 640 00000 F
---F 064 00001 J
F 576 00000 J
G 640 00001 H
G 128 00000 I
---K 896 00001 G
K 640 00000 H
--Mar 17
Apr 17-B 640 00001 F
B 384 00000 G
---F 576 00001 J
F 448 00000 K
-----L 576 00001 K
L 320 00000 L
B 096 00001 *
B 160 00000 *
Apr 17
May 17-B 384 00001 G
B 128 00000 H
---F 448 00001 K
F 192 00000 L
-----L 320 00001 L
L 960 00000 L
-May 17
Jun 17-B 128 00001 H
B 832 00000 H
---F 192 00001 L
F 512 00000 L
-----L 000 00001 M
L 704 00000 M
-Jun 17
Jul 17---D 256 00001 F
D 832 00000 F
-F 512 00001 L
F 832 00000 L
-----L 704 00001 M
L 704 00000 N
D 000 00001 *
D 032 00000 *
& L 128 00001 *
L 160 00000 *
Jul 17
Aug 17---D 832 00001 F
D 448 00000 G
-F 832 00001 L
F 320 00000 M
-----L 704 00001 N
L 768 00000 P
D 032 00001 *
D 034 50000 *
Aug 17
Sep 17--C 832 00001 C
C 896 00000 D
D 448 00001 G
D 064 00000 H
-F 320 00001 M
F 960 00000 M
-----L 768 00001 P
L 768 00000 Q
-Sep 17
Oct 17--C 896 00001 D
C 704 00000 E
-E 128 00001 I
E 384 00000 I
F 000 00001 N
F 384 00000 P
-----L 768 00001 Q
L 768 00000 S
-Oct 17
Nov 17----E 384 00001 I
E 256 00000 J
------L 768 00001 S
L 512 00000 T
-Nov 17
Dec 17----E 256 00001 J
E 704 00000 J
------L 512 00001 T
L 192 00000 U
-Dec 17
Jan 18----E 704 00001 J
E 192 00000 K
--------Jan 18
End Series 2013 $1
Bushmaster pre ban serial number date

In early 2015, runs #1, #2, and #3 of the New York star notes began to appear in circulation, even though they had not been reported by the BEP. A FOIA request brought confirmation of the run lengths of the Washington printings shown in the table above. The June and July 2016 production reports then listed those three runs again, this time as Fort Worth products. Notes from all three Fort Worth runs have been seen in circulation, and in fact industrious collectors have actually assembled several pairs of Washington and Fort Worth notes with identical serials!

Runs #1 and #2 of the Boston star notes were also never reported by the BEP, but notes representing two full runs have likewise been observed. Both runs share similar plate numbers, so they were likely printed at the same time.

In 2012, Fender has transitioned the numbering scheme again with the new serial number starting with “JD” followed by an eight-digit number with “Made in Japan” decals. If your serial number starts with “JD” followed by an eight-digit number, the first two digits designates the year of manufacture. The numbers in the table are the first and last notes printed in the given month for the given FRB. Colors indicate notes printed at Washington, DC or Fort Worth, TX. Serial numbers above 96000000, or ending with letters O or Z, are not used; thus for example D96000000A is followed by D00000001B, and L96000000N is followed by L00000001P.

Run #4 of the Chicago star notes was reported as ending at G 098 50000 *, but higher serials have been observed. The estimated ending serial given in the table is a bit of a wild guess; reports of additional notes that would help to pin down the length of this run would be helpful.

Series statistics (explanation)

Totals incl. stars:1081161451408
Special printings:0/00/00Star rate:1.16%
Grand totals:108/108116/116145

Main Page | Serials main

Each Federal Reserve note includes identifiers that provide information about the note, such as designating the year in which the note’s design was approved. Learn about these note identifiers by clicking on the image below.

Serial Number

A unique combination of eleven numbers and letters appears twice on the front of the note. Each note has a unique serial number. The first letter of the serial number corresponds to the series year.

YearSeries LetterYearSeries LetterYearSeries Letter
YearSeries Letter

A “star” suffix is used to identify notes that serve as replacements during the production process. If you'd like to learn more about the U.S. currency production process, please visit

Series Year

The series year indicates the year in which a new design was approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, or the year in which the signature of a new secretary or treasurer was incorporated into the design. Capital letters following the series year appear when there is a significant change in the note's appearance.

Federal Reserve Indicators

For denominations $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100, the note has a letter and number designation that corresponds to one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks. The letter of each indicator matches the second letter of the serial number on the note.

B2New York CityF6AtlantaJ10Kansas City, MO
D4ClevelandH8St. LouisL12San Francisco
B2New York City
J10Kansas City, MO
H8St. Louis
L12San Francisco

For denominations $1 and $2, the note includes a seal that identifies one of the 12 Federal Reserve banks.

Note Position Letter and Number

For denominations $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100, the note position letter and number indicates in which position on a plate a note was printed. It is a combination of one letter and one number and can be found on the front of the note.

In 2014, the BEP began printing $1 notes on 50-subject sheets. For these larger sheets, the note position is identified by columns and rows rather than by quadrants. Note position identifiers on the 50-subject sheet ranges from A1 – J5.

Please view this video to learn more about the 50-subject production change.

Face and Back Plate Numbers

The face plate and back plate numbers identify the printing plates used to print each side of the note. The face plate number is found on the face of the note and the back plate number is found on the back.

Federal Reserve notes printed at the Fort Worth, Texas, facility of the Bureau of Engraving & Printing include a small “FW” in front of the face-plate number.

Treasury Seal

Bushmaster Serial Number L226599

A green seal to the right of the portrait represents the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The design of the seal was changed to incorporate an English inscription and appears on all Federal Reserve notes of the 1969 series year or later.