A long time Cubase user, I learnt Ableton Live about 15 years ago specifically for live show production that lasted a few years. I've recently installed LIve 10 to make certain warping-type work easier and faster, and it does a great job.
Method 1: The Z Key Ableton 10 has included this new zooming shortcut that is really quite lovely. Select any area you would like to zoom in on and press the Z key. This will center your selection and zoom in as far as it can while still keeping the whole selection visible. Ableton 10 has a lot of new keyboard shortcuts in it that are great for speeding up your workflow. There are some incredible ones that are so useful you will never want to look back at Live 9. You can toggle automation on and off with A, you can show all tracks by pushing S, and that is just to name a couple. Keyboard shortcuts not working. Live Versions: 10; Operating System: All; Live 10 has introduced various keyboard shortcuts which work without a modifier. If these don't work, check the following: 1. Make sure that the Computer MIDI Keyboard is deactivated. Make sure that there are no Key mappings which conflict with the shortcuts. Ableton Live 10 Categories Dark green Midi controller keys Red Record Light green Midi controller keys Purple Navigation Blue green Octave range Peach Zooming Light blue Velocity range Dark blue Open & Preview Orange Direct toggle No color Mixed Yellow Transport & View Shortcut list Tips Press Ctrl/Cmd + F to activate Search field.
But I have a lot of 'muscle-memory' (actually, cerebellum-memory but let's not be pedantic) invested in Cubase, and I would like my keyboard shorcuts in Live to match those in Cubase.
Now, I always thought this was possible on a Mac, but I'm not having any luck. I thought it was done throught the Accessibilty part of System Preferences, however this won't let me assign alpha keys on their own to a function, there must be a modifier key held down as well. (On Cubase, using the f, g and h keys I can very quickly follow an audio file, zoom in, edit, then zoom out and follow again, all without using the dreaded mouse).
Ableton does allow you to customise both Key and Midi control for whatever you can see on the screens (both Arrangement view and Session view) but this does not apply to the drop-down menus.
Any suggestions?

(I'm on El Cap)
Just like any other software, learning to use key commands, speeds up your electronic music production flow. Using a mouse to point and click adds up the minutes and hours over the course of project. Instead, you could be pressing a couple of keys on the keyboard. Below you will find a table of the 13 essential Ableton Live 10 Keyboard Shortcuts that will increase the speed at which you work in!
Just to let you guys know we also provide Ableton Live Music Production experiences to enroll in!
We’re starting a series of essential keyboard shortcuts that will help you use Ableton much more smoothly. Below are a few shortcuts to get you started. They will definitely help you free up your right-hand mouse, to do the more creative things with them. Separating your technical actions and mindset, leaving you with a more pleasurable music production session.
The more key commands you use the better, faster and more productive you get. We can’t stress enough to start using the below key commands on your next project.

SPACE | Play/Stop | CMD+L | Loop Selection |
0 | Deactivate Notes/Clips | CMD+R | Rename |
B | Pencil/Draw Mode | CMD+A | Select All |
SHIFT+SPACE | Play from Stop Point | CMD+U | Quantise |
CMD+J | Consolidate | CMD+SHIFT+U | Quantise with Settings |
TAB | Toggle Arrangement/Session View | CMD+E | Split clip at the selection |
SHIFT+TAB | Toggle between Device/Clip View |
Ableton Live 10 Key Commands
These 13 essential Ableton Live 10 keyboard shortcuts are definitely a good start to begin your development in workflows! If you have a set of key commands that you use to make music with. Please send us your list at hello[@]granular[.]academy and we will post them in our next issue.
Ableton Live 10 Key Shortcuts
13 essential Ableton Live 10 keyboard shortcuts, Ableton Live 10 keyboard shortcuts, 13 essential Ableton Live keyboard shortcuts