.:Search for Complete ROM Sets (Full Sets in One File) ROMs. To browse Fullset ROMs, scroll up and choose a letter or select Browse by Genre. If you're feeling adventurous, try the advanced rom browser. Neo Geo Arcade Roms (268) Nintendo DS Handheld Roms (6682) Nintendo Entertainment System Consoles Roms (2741) Nintendo Virtual Boy Consoles Roms (31) Nokia N Gage Handheld Roms (127) Playstation 2 Consoles Roms (207) Playstation Portable Handheld Roms (1745) Sega 32x Consoles Roms (60) Sega Genesis/MegaDrive. CoolROM.com's Neo Geo ROMs section. Browse: Top ROMs - By Letter - By Genre. Mobile optimized. 3.9GB complete NeoGeo romset. Neo-Geo Arcade Perfect Set (20080101) Misc. Genres1990 Who wants? I am prepared to post to people. (im in Red Hill, Brisbane).
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Best Neo Geo Emulator: Here you are, waiting to play those awesome Neo Geo games on your Windows computer. This guide will help you run your favorite Neo Geo games on your computer or laptop running on Windows, Linux or even Mac OS.
This Wikipedia page lists all the official Neo Geo Games you can check. It’s been many years since the Neo Geo Console gone out of tradition but games don’t get old. Some people still enjoy playing those old games, If something has changed, it’s the computer which has replaced the old consoles. Oh, you have to download the appropriate Neo Geo games ROM file which you want to play on your Windows computer and use one of the Neo Geo game emulator listed below.
Previously covered games emulators.
01. MAME (Neo Geo Emulator)
Mame (free)/ Download page
Platform: Windows/ Mac OS/ Linux
MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) is a very useful game emulator that works very well on Windows 10 as well as older Windows. If you are using Mac or Linux operating system, then you will be happy to know that this is available for both operating systems but in this post, we will only know about running it on Windows and its review. So let’s start.
- Smooth gameplay without any lags supports both 32-bit and 64-bit computers.
- Loading ROM file is easy, and it reads them, some other emulators have an issue here.
- Support of Neo Geo games and thousands of other games.
- Easy to use and load games, it will only take me few minutes to get used to this emulator.
- Latest and up to date Neo Geo emulator for Windows, Mac and Linux.
How to SetUp Mame on Windows
- First of all download Mame software from this website, Open the setup (archived file) and choose a location to extract the program.
- For convenience, you can extract to the desktop and rename the folder. Here we’ve renamed the folder as “Mame” (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator).
- Loading ROM files. Open the Extracted folder (Mame), and there will be a “roms” folder, paste the neo geo games Rom files to this directory so that the program list them available. You can search something “Neo Geo Rom download” to find free games ROM.
- Open the Mame folder, double-click mame64.exe (as I’ve download 64-bit version).
- Click on “available” from the left side menu, and it will list all the games which ROMs are present in ROMs directory. You will get an error in case you don’t have Game ROM placed in the specified ROMs folder.
- For example, I tried to load 2020 Baseball game, and it worked out of the box.

By default, the program will run in fullscreen mode, but you can change that by opting Windows option in program settings. There are a couple of other options, but unless something isn’t working, you don’t have to touch them.
Where it is good.
If there is one thing about this Neo Geo emulator is it’s very easy to use this emulator on Windows. It runs without any issues on the latest Windows 10 operating system. It also supports Linux and MAC in case you want to test it out.
Where it falls short
Unless you want to play other than Neo Geo games it is good. There is no performance lags and glitches while playing games. However, the interface may look difficult for the first time, but it’s easy to get used to it. The ROM scan function works very well and can only show available games (Whose ROM are available in the folder).
The Neo Geo Emulator competition.
02. KAWAKS-Windows
Download/ Lightweight, CPS1 & 2 ROM support.
Best Neo Geo Rom Settings
Platform: Windows
Just like Mame, you have to download the program extract it on your computer, paste game ROM files into “roms” folder and you are good to go. What makes it a better NeoGeo emulator for Windows is that it also runs cps1 and cps2 along with Neo Geo games. One thing that is unique about this program is image enhancements to make gameplay even better.
Once you copied game ROM files to the specified directory load the program, from “file” choose “load game” and select the game you want to play. Remember it will list tons of games, why you cannot play them unless you download their ROM file and paste it to roms directory.
03. Nebula-Windows
Downoad/ Konami support.
Addition to CPS 1& 2 ROMs this emulator supports Konami games as well. The interface is much alike Kawakas, and it brings some misc features for game enhancement. If you’re looking lightweight neo geo game emulator, you should check out this.

The Mame emulator does the job quite well, and we firmly recommend it. On the other hand, we are impressed by the KAWAKS emulator, as it runs all the Neo Geo games on your Windows CPS1 & 2 games, despite this, it is also very lightweight.
Unlike people trying to run Xbox one games on their computer using an emulator, which is not possible It’s easy and possible to run NeoGeo games on a computer. Apart from games, If you are looking to download apps like facetime on PC, then bluestacks is the best option.
Article Contents
- 01. MAME (Neo Geo Emulator)
- How to SetUp Mame on Windows
- The Neo Geo Emulator competition.
Neo Geo Information
Best Neo Geo Rom Setup
Neo Geo – a system of arcade machines, released by SNK (Shin Nihon Kikaku) in October 1990 in Japan. But also the system has the full name of Neo Geo Multi Video System (abbreviated as Neo Geo MVS). Neo Geo means new world. Shortly after the release of MVS, SNK decided to conquest the market of home video games. Console called Neo Geo Advanced Entertainment System (Neo Geo AES) was released and it was completely identical to the arcade machine. The resemblance was in software and hardware configuration, however, had a different slot for cartridges. Obviously, SNK didn’t want that AES would be used as a gaming machine. Smart move, but still there were some enthusiasts who have created an adapter – Phantom MVS converter thingy. By the way, the price for home system was $500 which at that time considered a big amount of money. However, up to 4 people at once could play on it!
Neo Geo Roms Torrent
Neo Geo games offers the user a fairly high-quality 2D graphics and high quality sound. The game system was based on a 16-bit Motorola 68000 processor and an 8-bit Z80, which was used as an audio compressor. To create the sound effect optionally could be used 15-channel sound chip Yamaha YM2610. Neo Geo roms games can be played right on your home computer or smartphone/tablet running Android or iOS. All of the necessary software can be downloaded for free on this section of site.